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Progesterone Side Effects

HRT Progesterone is added to balance estrogen
Progesterone contributes to the overall well-being of women undergoing HRT by addressing symptoms

Hormone Replacement Therapy, Progesterone's Role

Both estrogen and progesterone naturally diminish in the body over time.

If you've started to study HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy) or BHRT (Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy), you have probably already noticed that estrogen and progesterone both get mentioned often, but what's the difference and do you need both?

The first thing to know is that if you still have a uterus, it's likely that your HRT doctor will prescribe an bioidentical hormone therapy that includes both estrogen and progesterone. Progesterone, when combined with estrogen in HRT, acts as a counterbalance by regulating the growth of the uterine lining. This helps to mitigate the potential risks associated with unopposed estrogen therapy, providing a more comprehensive and safer hormonal balance.

However, if you've had a hysterectomy, it's safest to take estrogen alone. It has fewer long-term risks that the combination therapy.

Furthermore, progesterone contributes to the overall well-being of women undergoing HRT by addressing symptoms such as insomnia, mood swings, and anxiety. It has a calming effect on the central nervous system, promoting better sleep and emotional stability. Including progesterone in HRT for women with a uterus not only supports the health of the reproductive system but also enhances the overall quality of life during the menopausal transition, helping to manage both physical and emotional aspects of hormonal changes.

Progesterone; Low Symptoms

Low progesterone levels during the menopausal years and beyond can manifest in various symptoms that impact a woman's physical and emotional well-being. Physiologically, decreased progesterone can contribute to irregular menstrual cycles, heavier or prolonged periods, and heightened susceptibility to endometrial hyperplasia. Women may also experience hot flashes, night sweats, and disruptions in sleep patterns due to progesterone's role in regulating the central nervous system. Emotionally, low progesterone can contribute to increased anxiety, mood swings, and irritability, affecting overall mental health.

Additionally, some women may encounter challenges with weight management, as progesterone helps maintain a healthy metabolism. Recognizing these symptoms and seeking appropriate medical guidance allows women to address low progesterone levels effectively through hormone therapy or lifestyle adjustments, promoting a smoother transition through the menopausal and postmenopausal stages.

Progesterone Side Effects

Including progesterone in Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) offers several benefits, particularly for women with a uterus. Some key advantages of taking progesterone as part of HRT include:

Endometrial Protection - Progesterone counteracts the proliferative effects of estrogen on the uterine lining, reducing the risk of endometrial hyperplasia.

Hormonal Balance - Progesterone complements estrogen in maintaining a balanced hormonal environment.

Improved Sleep - Progesterone has a calming effect on the central nervous system, promoting better sleep quality.

Bone Health - Progesterone, along with estrogen, plays a role in supporting bone density.

Cardiovascular Health - Some studies suggest that combined HRT, including

progesterone, may have cardiovascular benefits.

Mood Stabilization - Progesterone's influence on the central nervous system can contribute to mood stabilization.

HRT Progesterone dosage is used to balance Estrogen for an overall hormone replacement therapy regimen
HRT Progesterone helps with Mood Stabilization and Calmness..

Progesterone Pills and Cream

Progesterone can be prescribed in various formulations to address individual patient needs and preferences. One common form is oral progesterone, available in pill or capsule form, which is convenient and easy to administer.

Another option is transdermal progesterone, which comes in the form of creams, gels, or patches applied to the skin. Transdermal formulations offer a more gradual absorption of progesterone, avoiding the first-pass metabolism in the liver that can occur with oral administration.

Can I check my Progesterone Levels at home?

No, you can't check progesterone levels at home. Only an HRT doctor/clinic or other healthcare provider can order blood tests to check your levels.

Anovulation - Ovulation doesn't occur (your ovary doesn't release an egg)

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) - A hormone imbalance that causes missed periods and unpredictable ovulation

High Stress that leads to high levels of cortisol - too much of this interferes with your body's ability to make progesterone

Underactive or slow Thyroid - makes it hard for your body to produce progesterone

Hyperprolactinemia - your body makes too much prolactin which disrupts sex hormones like progesterone

Low Cholesterol - this can cause low levels of progesterone

Perimenopause - the time just before menopause when hormone levels decline

Over exercising - this increases cortisol levels and also deprives your body of key nutrients needed to sustain health hormone levels

HRT Progesterone

My first pregnancy as a young woman ended in a miscarriage. I did some research and felt that low progesterone might have been the cause. When I shared this with my OB/GYN, he prescribed a progesterone suppository that I used during certain times of my cycle to help support my uterine lining in the event a pregnancy took place again.

After four long years I did finally conceive again and today I have a happy healthy 29 year-old year daughter. As I approached my perimenopause and menopause years and began to have the symptoms of low progesterone, I couldn't help but remember the years I was trying to get pregnant. It didn't seem like such a long-shot for me to have all the symptoms of low progesterone at this stage in life when hormone levels are known to decline. I began to study estrogen dominance and what to clues to look for.

The irritability that comes with low levels of progesterone was my first sign. At the time I didn't understand why I was so short tempered with those around me, especially my family. If you are feeling "off" and find yourself crabby with the people you love, got get tested. HRT Progesterone could be exactly what you need to improve your anxiety, mood swings, and further promote emotional stability and calmness.

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